100 Day Project Three – Day 15

DAY 15 (January 20th, 2018)

Love and all its travails. But this is life is it not?


It’s almost old hat—
to take what cuts to the quick
and sever a bond of love.
Wounds heal more quickly now—
No doubt I tend to them expertly.

But still, I am a thirsty beggar,
an unworthy votary prostrate
before a ramshackle well of unbidden desires
laboring over a rusted pulley and a leaky bucket.

And yet another respite
and again I’m in your arms, old friend—
we’ll talk more deeply than before—
for our bond endures beyond all things—
not in spite of but through our suffering.

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Days 12, 13 and 14

DAYS 12, 13, and 14 (January 17th, 18th, and 19th, 2018)

These stanzas were inspired by landscape paintings at the IMA.


The sky is sometimes a confection
of two kinds of clouds—
the artist’s purpose is often unclear.


Can such unadulterated beauty
only exist in paintings?
Sadly, it is true—
there’s nothing left undefiled.


Each has eyes.
Each has eyes to see.
What of all God’s whims
catches your fancy?

The Park at Mortefontaine by Jean Joseph Xavier Bidauld
The Park at Mortefontaine by Jean Joseph Xavier Bidauld

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Days 10 and 11

DAYS 10 and 11 (January 15th and 16th, 2018)

This bit of work represents some retooling and expansion of my last post.


What is this futile little game—
which for words This transcends
for words I search in vain.
But still, I like to play—
It keeps her close.

I am a peasant boy that gathers wildflowers
for a girl—now a ghost of a girl—I once saw
walking along the bourn on the outskirts
of a greening field.
I imagine her toes testing the cool, clear water—
perhaps it is too cold—
but does it matter when there is so much life and love
in all this sun and song?

That was springs ago—
and yet still I gather,
and wait and wonder.

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 9

DAY 9 (January 14th, 2018)


What is this futile little game—
finding words for that which transcends words?
But still, I like to play—
It keeps me close—
like the peasant boy that gathers wildflowers
for the mysterious girl he once saw fields away—
springs ago.

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 8

DAY 8 (January 13th, 2018)


What is this? The last day?
On that day you’ll surely wonder—
What is this? The last hour?

And what is this? The last morning—
The last looking up
into a sky full of questions.

And what is this? The last tear shed
for a tiny, tremulous bird
that for flight an undying love
beats in its tiny breast.

Tiny Sparrow

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 7

DAY 7 (January 12th, 2018)


Sunbeams stream
in perfect planes,
cutting polygons in thick shadows
where an old man sits—
a limb may creak and turn
at every half-revelation—
in a dusty anteroom
off the crowded hall—
in a meditative nexus of
and thought.


The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 6

DAY 6 (January 11th, 2018)


This building sometimes sleeps,
sometimes warmly thrums
and one’s dreams get lost
in its monotonic vapor.

And then one hears the crows’ caws–
high-pitched, gravel-throated exaltations–
and out of the savage cleft of
Tiamat’s torn, water-laden corpse
gloriously rises the sun.

Marduk defeats Tiamat
Marduk defeats Tiamat

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 5

DAY 5 (January 10th, 2018)


What is this pure ocean heart,
this blue water love,
that piques the nose
like a pink bourbon rose?

Such a one to know!
To unfold, perhaps,
to trace her eyes
with a million tender questions—
and still to know …

Pink Bourbon Rose

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 4

DAY 4 (January 9th, 2018)


True words—
petals plucked from the air
with pillow-soft fingertips
and a dancer’s alabaster wrist
bent just so—
like a forlorn lover’s kiss


The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


100 Day Project Three – Day 3

DAY 3 (January 8th, 2018)


You also notice, a little more clearly each time, how necessary it was to go beyond love, too; it’s natural, after all, to love each of these things as one makes it: but if one shows this, one makes it less well; one judges it instead of saying it. One ceases to be impartial; and the best—love—stays outside the work, does not enter it, is left aside, untranslated …

The love is so thoroughly used up in the action of making that there is no residue.

— Rainer Maria Rilke

Letters on Cezanne
Letters on Cezanne

You may buy this book here: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-C%C3%A9zanne-Rainer-Maria-Rilke/dp/086547639X


To see a thing
as it is
unembellished with
one’s imaginings—
a moment remembered—
it lives forever
and breathes in a dimension beyond one’s own.

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/
