100 Day Project Three – Day 18

DAY 18 (January 23rd, 2018)


They march, unkempt and disjointed,
grim-faced soldiers—
a dreary, funereal procession of half-hearted thoughts—
that bud, wither, but never bloom.
They seem so inconsequential—
outrageous and artless.

I often forget, under a moth-eaten quilt,
in a cold, stone-wet room—
freight cars clatter like iron chains on dusky tracks—
the train head bellows—
the echo measures miles—tens of miles—hundreds, perhaps.
I wake, stark-faced, and remember—
I slept too long.

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is a creativity excavation. It’s about unearthing dormant or unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.
Creativity is a skill. The more we practice, the more skilled we become. Practice takes time. Practice takes commitment. Practice is a radical act in this speeded up world. Through practice, we develop a creative habit. Through habit, we reconnect with and know ourselves again as a creative being.

I started this, my third, 100 Day Project on January 6th. My project is to write at least one first-draft stanza inspired by a poem, a quote, an idea, a painting—anything really. I’ll post the results at www.bradseverance.com/category/100-day-project-number-three/


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