Day 7 – se dépêcher

The Learning French 100 Day Project – Saturday, March 26, 2022
I’ve been studying French on and off for about a year. My interest in the language began when I started reading classical French novels by Balzac, Dumas, Flaubert, Stendhal, and others. I’m also a budding armchair historian of the French Revolution. In 2018/19, I spent Christmas and the New Year in Paris. Bonne Année !!
French is a beautiful, musical, romantic language, … and I’m keen on learning it.
For the next 100 days (all of Spring 2022), I’ll focus daily on a French word and use it in sentences. The results of my efforts will surely be hilarious, peppered with errors, and unequivocally bad French … but you gotta have the freedom to fail.
So, without further ado … let’s learn French! Allons-y!
se dépêcher (intransitive reflexive verb) : to hurry
Je me dépêche toujours de faire mes leçons. (I always hurry to do my lessons.)
Je vais me dépêcher de prendre un train. (I will hurry to catch a train.)
Nous nous sommes dépêchés de rentrer à l’hôtel. (We hurried back to the hotel.)