Day 38 – directement
The Learning French 100 Day Project – Tuesday, April 26, 2022
I’ve been studying French on and off for about a year. My interest in the language began when I started reading classical French novels by Balzac, Dumas, Flaubert, Stendhal, and others. I’m also a budding armchair historian of the French Revolution. In 2018/19, I spent Christmas and the New Year in Paris. Bonne Année !!
French is a beautiful, musical, romantic language, … and I’m keen on learning it.
For the next 100 days (all of Spring 2022), I’ll focus daily on a French word and use it in sentences. The results of my efforts will surely be hilarious, peppered with errors, and unequivocally bad French … but you gotta have the freedom to fail.
So, without further ado … let’s learn French! Allons-y!
directement (adverb) : straight; directly
Paul est rentré directement chez lui après le travail. (Paul went straight home after work.)
L’argent ira directement dans votre compte bancaire. (The money will go directly into your bank account.)
Claire donne de l’argent directement aux pauvre. (Claire gives money directly to the poor.)