Day 32 – autrement

The Learning French 100 Day Project – Wednesday, April 20, 2022
I’ve been studying French on and off for about a year. My interest in the language began when I started reading classical French novels by Balzac, Dumas, Flaubert, Stendhal, and others. I’m also a budding armchair historian of the French Revolution. In 2018/19, I spent Christmas and the New Year in Paris. Bonne Année !!
French is a beautiful, musical, romantic language, … and I’m keen on learning it.
For the next 100 days (all of Spring 2022), I’ll focus daily on a French word and use it in sentences. The results of my efforts will surely be hilarious, peppered with errors, and unequivocally bad French … but you gotta have the freedom to fail.
So, without further ado … let’s learn French! Allons-y!
autrement (adverb) : differently; otherwise
Les artistes étrangers voient la ville autrement. (Foreign artists see the city differently.)
Mon chat est handicapé mental. Autrement dit, il est stupide. (My cat is mentally challenged. In other words, he is stupid.)
Il faut penser autrement pour voir l’évident. (One must think differently to see the obvious.)